Is Nasal Irrigation Safe?
By Stephen Chandler, MD |5 FEB 2021|
Do you suffer from a stuffy nose during allergy season? Maybe you have frequent sinus infections or chronic nasal irritation? Perhaps you’ve had sinus surgery, but your recovery could use a little push? Or maybe you just love the feeling of clean nasal passages and free, easy breathing. If you answered yes to any of these questions, then nasal irrigation might be the perfect solution for you! But is it safe?
How does it work?
Nasal irrigation is a process by which your nasal passages are flushed with a cleaning solution in order to drive out mucus build-up, allergens and harmful bacteria. It has been used to improve allergy symptoms, shorten sinus surgery recovery time and even as a treatment for symptoms of COVID-19. CompleteRinse is the premiere nasal irrigation system on the market.
But what makes CompleteRinse different?
CompleteRinse is a new and innovative approach to nasal rinsing. This device offers a no gag, no choke, comfortable solution to your needs. The included Buff’R Caps Dispenser with Muco-Sol conveniently provides saline buffer without the need for clumsy packets and plastic waste; plus it’s all natural and non-irritating. Likewise, CompleteRinse operates with an ease and simplicity unavailable in any other device. It’s powered by your breath pressure, so no batteries are required.
Is it safe?
Nasal irrigation is generally very safe if you just follow some simple rules. Number 1, Use only distilled water or cooled, boiled water. Tap water and even filtered water can contain dangerous microorganisms that, while easy for our stomachs to destroy, can be harmful if introduced into the nasal cavity. Number 2, Make sure that your irrigation solution is properly buffered. Straight water irrigation is uncomfortable; the Buff’R Caps Dispenser creates a properly balanced pH saline solution that won’t burn or irritate your nose. Number 3, Temperature is important. It’s generally best to rinse with irrigation between 70 to 80 degrees, room temperature, for optimal comfort. Number 4, Keep your CompleteRinse clean. A clean device will perform more reliably and remain free of contamination and debris. Number 5, Don’t force it. Many sinonasal conditions create such swelling in the nasal lining that it’s just not possible to rinse. At times like these, it’s probably best to seek the advice of medical professionals.
Dr. Stephen Chandler is a practicing Otolaryngologist in Montgomery, Alabama and owner of Sandler Scientific, LLC makers of CompleteRinse®. To learn more visit To schedule a visit with Dr. Chandler call 334-834-7221 Learn more at