What is saline nasal irrigation? 

Saline nasal irrigation (also known as nasal lavage) is an inexpensive, simple, self-administered treatment that can help relieve the symptoms of various sinus conditions including rhinitis,  sinusitis and congestion associated with common colds and allergies. Nasal irrigation is often used to loosen mucus and remove dirt, dust and pollen from the nasal lining.

How does Complete Rinse® differ from other nasal rinse systems?

Complete Rinse® is a new and revolutionary approach to the centuries-old practice of nasal rinsing. While there are many nasal rinse systems on the market today, most have drawbacks that deter regular use, therefore limiting their effectiveness. Common problems associated with of many of these systems include choking, gagging and burning—even nausea—as a result of saline solution running from the nasal passages down the back of the throat. For kids, this can be a barrier to compliance.

Complete Rinse® can eliminate or greatly reduce these typical negative, uncomfortable side effects by activating a natural physiological action. The process of choanal occlusion, which creates a barrier between the nasal passages and the back of the throat, is triggered automatically when using Complete Rinse®.  Additionally, since the Complete Rinse® system limits the entry of saline solution into the throat, it provides highly effective delivery of saline irrigant throughout the nose and sinus cavities. Complete Rinse® is designed to work with the user in an upright position, further enhancing comfort (whereas many other nasal rinse systems require the user to tilt the head at an uncomfortable angle).

Complete Rinse® has a built-in capsule management system that makes using medicated sinus rinse more easy than ever.

What are the benefits of nasal rinsing?

Nasal rinsing has been shown to help relieve the symptoms of various sinus conditions, such as acute, sub-acute and chronic sinusitis and nasal congestion associated with common colds and allergies. Regular nasal rinsing can improve quality of life by helping to cleanse and clear the sinuses. Nasal rinsing is an inexpensive, simple, self-administered treatment and can be in conjunction with standard medical therapy.

Antibiotics are commonly used to treat sinus infections, with surgery as an alternative in cases of chronic sinusitis, recurrent acute sinusitis and sinonasal polyposis. Recent studies have called into question the effectiveness of long-term oral antibiotic treatment for sinus infections. Additionally, resistance to antibiotics can develop with frequent use.

When should I use Complete Rinse®?

Many people use Complete Rinse® daily, as a healthy sinonasal maintenance regimen. Others rely on Complete Rinse as a preventative measure at the first sign of a cold, infection or allergies; or to lessen the severity of symptoms at the onset of infection. During an active infection, many people practice nasal rinsing twice daily (morning and night), or even more frequently. We recommend that you talk with your health care provider to determine if nasal rinsing is the right option for you. 

Can children use Complete Rinse®?

Absolutely! Children are in fact a large user group of nasal rinse systems. Very young children may not tolerate the procedure (nasal rinsing should never be forced), however many children enjoy using Complete Rinse® and consider it “entertaining” and “fun.” As with any health care treatment for children, we recommend that you consult your pediatrician before using Complete Rinse®.

Is Complete Rinse® safe? 

Natural saline nasal rinse systems, including Complete Rinse®, are widely considered safe, when used with distilled water. Under no circumstance should you use regular tap water with a nasal rinse system. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, some tap water may contain organisms that can lead to potentially serious infections. These organisms are safe to drink, as they are killed by stomach acid; however they can thrive in nasal passages and pass easily through the mucous membranes in the sinus cavity.

Why can’t I use tap water with my Complete Rinse®?

Under no circumstance should you use regular tap water with any nasal rinse system. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, some tap water may contain organisms that can lead to potentially serious infections. These organisms are safe to drink, as they are killed by stomach acid; however they can thrive in nasal passages and pass easily through the mucous membranes in the sinus cavity.

With Complete Rinse—as with any nasal rinsing system—it is critical to use distilled water (inexpensive and readily available at most grocery stores or pharmacies). 

What does nasal rinsing feel like?

Regardless of the nasal rinse system used, the process may feel unusual at first and take some getting used to. However, unlike many nasal rinse systems on the market, which may cause choking, gagging and burning—even nausea—as a result of saline solution running from the nasal passages down the back of the throat, Complete Rinse® is engineered for maximum comfort. The patent-pending design of Complete Rinse® activates a natural physiologic process called choanal occlusion, which creates a barrier between the nasal passages and the back of the throat, preventing all (or nearly all) fluid from reaching the throat. Additionally, Complete Rinse® is used in an neutral position further improving ease of use. 

The sensation of nasal rinsing with Complete Rinse® is generally a pleasant experience. The rinsing process itself is self-controlled and comfortable. After rinsing, most people experience a sensation of nasal breathing openness.

How should I clean my Complete Rinse® device and How Long to Use It? 

The Complete Rinse System is recommended for 3 month replacement intervals in order to assure maximum benefit. We strongly suggest that you follow the following product maintenance protocol: Before each use, inspect the interior of the bottle, caps and tubing. At weekly intervals or if any discoloration is present, clean bottle, caps and tubes per directions given below.

  • 1-Rinse the caps, tube, and bottle using free-flowing water. 
  • 2-Fill the bottle with water.
  • 3-Add a small drop of dishwashing detergent to the interior of the bottle. 
  • 4-Reassemble Completer Rinse System and shake vigorously for 10 seconds.
  • 5-Squeeze the bottle allowing the discharge of soapy solution to clean the interior of the tubes and caps.
  • 6-Remove both caps and empty the bottle completely.
  • 7-A bottle brush (available at general merchandise stores) may be used to cleanse the bottle if there is residual debris; take care not to disturb cap internal washer and seals.
  • 8-Rinse all components with free-flowing water and set them aside on a clean surface for drying before resuming use.
  • Note: 
  • Do not store Complete Rinse assembled unless all components are dry. 
  • Do not store wet parts in a sealed plastic bag; If you must travel before they are dry, wrap parts separately in paper towels.
  • Do not place in dishwasher (not effective for internal cleaning and may damage parts.
  • Do not use if there is any damage or discoloration not thoroughly removed. 
  • Do not place the bottle, cap, or tube in boiling water, as it can destroy the plastic material.

Is Complete Rinse® latex free?

Yes. All plastics used in the manufacture of Complete Rinse® are non-latex medical grade specifications.

Can Complete Rinse cause nose bleeds?

Some users report nose bleeds after Complete Rinse use. However, this symptom is rare, especially if you use the Complete Rinse correctly. Nose bleeds after Complete Rinse use primarily occur with individuals with a pre-existing nose bleed history. It is rare for individuals who do not normally experience nose bleeds to report nose bleeds after use.

If you are having nose bleeds after using your Complete Rinse, it is likely because of excessive buffer in the solution. Decrease the amount of salt, and wait a short period of time before your next usage.

Will Complete Rinse help clogged ears?

Complete Rinse usage can help to relieve pain associated with clogged ears. Eustachian tube dysfunction is often a consequence of inflamed sinonasal lining; Complete Rinse use helps to cleanse the nose and decrease contact time with irritants, allergens and debris which can help to open your Eustachian tubes and reduce clogged ear pain.

Do not use the Complete Rinse too frequently to help clogged ears, though. Too frequent use can result in additional ear pain.

Can Complete Rinse open Eustachian tubes?

Complete Rinse can be used WITHOUT solution to help treat Eustachian tube dysfunction. Similar to “popping” your ears by holding and blowing through your nose with your mouth closed, Complete Rinse can act as a force multiplier simply by placing the Complete Rinse bottle in one nostril, manually occluding the other nostril and blowing into the mouthpiece. You can control the pressure as it gently builds and painlessly opens the obstructed Eustachian tube.

Will Complete Rinse affect a COVID test?

Currently, it is inconclusive if a Complete Rinse will affect a COVID test. Not enough research and studies have been performed on the relationship between Complete Rinse usage and COVID-19 and COVID-19 testing. For an accurate COVID test it is recommended that the Complete Rinse system not be used 12 hrs before COVID test administration.

Can Complete Rinse help with COVID?

Yes. Studies have found that individuals who used a form of saline nasal irrigation, such as Complete Rinse, after testing positive for COVID-19 were less likely to require hospitalization than the national average.

If you use a Complete Rinse while you have COVID, it’s important not to share the Complete Rinse with anyone else and thoroughly disinfect it after use. This will prevent other individuals and your future self from being exposed to any lingering remnants of the virus that may be on the device.

Why does my Complete Rinse burn?

Although uncommon, burning is one of the most common side effects of Complete Rinse usage. If your Complete Rinse burns, it most likely means that you have insufficient or too much buffer in the irrigation solution. Make sure to shake the Buff’R Caps before dispensing 2 twists into the Complete Rinse bottle.

Additionally, your Complete Rinse might burn if you are using it too frequently, no matter how much salt is added. Only use the Complete Rinse as frequently as the manufacturer recommends.

Is Complete Rinse good for allergy symptoms?

Complete Rinse has been used as a drug-free treatment for nasal allergies for years. It helps to treat symptoms of allergies, including sneezing, runny nose, and itchy nostrils. Some studies have even shown that it is more effective than other medical treatments.

Complete Rinse helps to decrease allergen contact time with your sensitive nasal lining. The irrigation flushes out nasal debris and  allergen irritants. As a result, Complete Rinse use can help you deal with both the cause and symptoms of allergies.

Where does Complete Rinse irrigation go?

Complete Rinse irrigation, when used correctly, should go in one nostril and out the other nostril. This fantastic voyage will clean out your nasal passages, reduce congestion and improve breathing. Stand over a sink so that the excess water drips into the drain.

The Complete Rinse system is designed to minimize the choking and gagging problem common to Neti Pot and squeezy bottle use.

Will Complete Rinse help pneumonia?

If you have pneumonia and are considering a Complete Rinse, talk to your doctor before use. Although Complete Rinse can help to relieve symptoms associated with nasal congestion and post nasal drainage, your doctor may advise you against using a Complete Rinse if you do not have sufficient lung power.

Most users report that Complete Rinse can help to open up the nasal passages. Consequently, Complete Rinse use can make breathing easier whenever you have pneumonia, but it will not actually treat pneumonia.

Can I use sea salt in my Complete Rinse?

It is not recommended to use sea salt in your Complete Rinse. Sea salt includes other minerals that could be irritating and potentially harmful to your nasal passages. Especially if you already have nose sensitivities or allergens, sea salt can be irritating and painful to use in your Complete Rinse.

The large salt crystals in sea salt require extra time to completely dissolve.

Complete Rinse with Muco-Sol is designed to create normal saline irrigation that is safe, non-irritating and helps to dissolve retained nasal secretions and debris.

How often can I use Complete Rinse?

If you are experiencing nasal or sinus symptoms, use Complete Rinse daily.

Can I use Complete Rinse with Betadine?

Yes. You can use a Complete Rinse with Betadine. Betadine is a topical antiseptic that helps to treat and prevent infection from scrapes, cuts, and burns. Betadine uses povidone-iodine to help kill most bacteria and viruses.

Most users in favor of this ingredient recommend using an alkaline solution with 1/2 teaspoon of 10% Betadine. Dilute the Betadine in 1 cup of distilled water. Many individuals have been using this solution to help reduce the severity of COVID-19. Around 10 clinical trials have been performed to study the relationship between Complete Rinse usage with a Betadine solution and COVID-19.

Should I use Complete Rinse if I have a deviated septum?

If you have a deviated septum, you likely experience some level of chronic nasal obstruction that might prevent the successful use of ANY sinus rinse system.

If you know that you have a septal deviation and have difficulty using Complete Rinse, it might be worth considering an ENT evaluation. Even though many individuals with a deviated septum use a Complete Rinse for temporary relief, it’s always best to get your doctor’s recommendation.

Can using Complete Rinse give you a headache?

Headache from using Complete Rinse is very unusual. The use of a Neti Pot requires you to hold your head in such a way that is often unnatural and uncomfortable, sometimes causing headache.

Complete Rinse is designed to avoid such unnatural positioning.

Can I get a brain eating amoeba from Complete Rinse?

If you do not use your Complete Rinse correctly, you are at risk of exposing yourself to Naegleria Fowleri, which is a type of ‘brain-eating amoeba’.

In cases where users died from Naegleria Fowleri, they got the amoeba from using contaminated tap water. Although tap water is generally safe to ingest, certain amoebas are present that can become dangerous if used for nasal irrigation.

Using a Complete Rinse correctly avoids the risk of Naegleria Fowleri exposure. Only use distilled, purified or recently boiled water in your Complete Rinse.

Can you microwave water for Complete Rinse?

Yes. You can microwave water for Complete Rinse use, but DO NOT MICROWAVE the Complete Rinse Bottle. Microwave room temperature water in an appropriate vessel for about 30 to 40 seconds.

Test the temperature of the water before transferring it to your Complete Rinse.

Can you use Brita filtered water in Complete Rinse?

Even though a Brita water filter helps to make your drinking water safer, it is not effective at filtering out dangerous microorganisms. Brita filtered water is not safe enough to use for nasal irrigation.

Instead, you will need to boil the Brita filtered water before using it in Complete Rinse. If you want to use Complete Rinse frequently and want a more convenient option, purchase distilled or purified water. Only use boiled, purified or distilled water in your Complete Rinse.

Can you use Complete Rinse before bed?

It is not recommended to use Complete Rinse immediately before bed. Instead, use Complete Rinse a few hours before going to bed in order to give your sinuses a chance to drain.

A supine sleeping position may result in improper sinus draining and what draining that does occur might go into the back of your throat.

A Few Words From Dr. Chandler

“I’ve done literally thousands of sinus operations and one of the main issues relevant to patient success is the post-operative nasal hygiene regimen.

After years of trying to coerce patients to endure the rather steep learning curve of existing products that often gag, choke and otherwise create a major compliance barrier to sinus rinsing, I looked at the very basics of human sinonasal and respiratory physiology to design CompleteRinse.

Unless there exists a serious departure from normal anatomy, the basic process of mouth blowing against resistance automatically causes the palate to elevate (think of blowing up a balloon. You couldn’t do it if your lungs and mouth weren’t strictly isolated from your nose during the process).

For that same reason, using breath pressure to activate and sustain gravity driven flow of rinse isolates the rinse to the nose where it goes in one side and out the other. Simple, really. 

In terms of cleanliness, there is no expectation of sterility in this case. The upper airway simply isn’t a sterile environment. Having said that, unless there’s some known serious lung or dental infectious process, there is a normal flora generally common to the entire aerodigestive tract.

Saline is not a particularly favorable culture media and any deposited organisms would be greatly diluted by the volume of saline irrigation normally used for lavage. There has been no reported cross-contamination of consequence using this approach. There are a few other products on the market that have investigated this through extensive clinical trials. You can reference Optinose for more information on that. 

CompleteRinse has been successfully used by many patients, even kids, that have been completely put off by squeeze bottles and neti pots; and it doesn’t rely on battery power or nasal vacuum to achieve the objective.”