Sinus Bacteria and the Effects of Nasal Rinsing
By Stephen Chandler, MD |27 JAN 2020|
I’m sure you’ve seen the endless articles and advice on gut bacteria, but did you know that those same things are true of the nose as well? That’s right, the nose has it’s own microbiome where good bacteria can help with allergies, infections, and sinusitis, but what about all of that bad bacteria? Well, let’s take a look at some distinctions.
What are bad bacteria?
The bacteria in your nose do more than you might think. They can contribute to your nasal congestion, make you more susceptible to sinusitis after a viral upper respiratory infection and cause terrible infections in their own right. In fact, the nasal passages can be a home to large contributors of diseases and infections. Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is a normal flora of the nose. In a majority of the population up to (60 %) are intermittent carriers, while 20 % of the population is always colonized with S. aureus. The evidence suggests that the populations harboring S. aureus and its methicillin resistant (MRSA) strains are at higher risk for developing invasive infections and can cause deadly reactions such as sepsis if it enters your bloodstream. Luckily there are other bacteria that can hold the bad bacteria in check.
What are good bacteria?
There are 30 common strains of bacteria in the human nose and their mere presence are helpful to you. These flora occupy space in the nasal microbiome and compete with bad bacteria for resources helping to keep them in check. In one study done by the University of Antwerp, microbiologists discovered that of the common good bacteria in the nose, one stood above the rest in its ability to fight infection. The bacteria called Lactobacillus is nearly 10 times more abundant in the noses of healthy people and could be a weapon against even the most harmful bacteria mentioned above. If fact, Lactobacillus casei is currently under investigation as a probiotic nasal spray to help manage chronic sinus disease.
How can Complete Rinse help?
Your nose is a filter. As you can see your nose is a battleground, a fight for control between good and bad bacteria. Complete Rinse is an effective therapy to relieve symptoms of both chronic and acute sinusitis. It can also be useful for the relief of symptoms associated with allergic rhinitis. The use of Complete Rinse can effectively cleanse the lining of your nasal passages, decrease the burden of potentially harmful organisms and make the use of allergy nasal sprays even more effective. Check out our other blog on how Complete Rinse can help you fight against COVID-19.
Simply by rinsing your nose you are reducing the contact time of things you are allergic to from sticking to the lining of your nose.
Dr. Stephen Chandler is a practicing Otolaryngologist in Montgomery, Alabama and owner of Sandler Scientific, LLC makers of Complete Rinse ®. To learn more visit To schedule a visit with Dr. Chandler call 334-834-7221 Learn more at